For some of those people that have read my blog over the past year, this latest update will be familiar. One of my paintings titled 'Siesta in Epirus' was posted onto my blog earlier last year. I thought it would be interesting to revisit this painting and recreate it as a drawing. Recently I have been working more with drawing than painting, however I go through phases so that will change in the future. I worked on this piece without referring to the painting and only compared the two after I had finished the drawing. I find it interesting how some areas on the painting have slightly different proportions compared with the drawing. This isn't because either one is right or wrong proportionally (although the window looks out of proportion but that is the camera rather than the original which looks fine in real life). I see things differently now to how I did last year, therefore different parts of the composition may mean more or less now than it did 12 months ago. Maybe I should repeat the experiment next year and see what happens!
Siesta in Epirus II, graphite, coloured pencil and oil pastel, A1 (2016) |
Siesta in Epirus, 7th September 2001, oil on board 120x100cm (2015) |
And for further comparison here is the preliminary sketch made before the painting.
Siesta in Epirus Sketch, pen drawing, A3 (2015) |