Thursday, 22 February 2018

Movement Downwards

I've spent the last few weeks attempting to create a painting that I can see in my mind yet at current I cannot get across very well on canvas.  I think I will return to this idea at a later date.  I have decided to paint over what I have done so far and turn it into another idea I've had in my mind.  I think this will be much more successful, but I'll assess that next month when it is finished. 

After giving up on the above painting (for the present) I decided to continue with the 'Movement Downwards' theme that I have been working on since September.  My latest painting in this theme is maybe more bold in colour to make it noticeable.  I think later in the year I might try this theme in a variety of colour schemes.  Might be interesting to see them altogether!

Movement Downwards, oil painting on canvas with swarovski gems 100cm x 100cm (2018)