Τολό or in English letters Tolo is a small seaside town in the south western Peloponnese of Greece. The first time I went to this place was 1999 while studying with the British School at Athens. It is near the oldest intact bridge in the world (c.1300BC) and still used by the locals. We visited the usual places nearby, Mycenae and Epidauros and later went out for a meal in Tolo where our hotel was. I finished eating long before anyone else and went straight back to the hotel swimming pool. Lovely experience having a pool all to yourself at night, floating face up looking at the stars. I returned to Tolo in August 2014 with my family. My girls loved the relaxed Greek atmosphere and the tavernas that sit right next to the sea.
This painting captures a moment where my oldest daughter is looking out at sea. She is happiest when she is swimming in the and snorkelling, which she will do all day without a break. Here is a rare moment when she was not in the sea albeit briefly.
τολό, oil painting on board, 122cm x 100cm |
Preliminary drawing, A3 |
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