Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Movement Downwards (Gift)

Here is the second painting based on the theme of movement downwards.  I've used about 200 diamante rhinestones however I would have to use a different camera/light to get them to show up in the pictures that are taken of these paintings.  I think I've captured the movement downwards in the way that I was wanting which is a surprise because I didn't think it was possible to capture the style of movement that I have being trying to portray.  I've decided that this painting should be called Movement Downwards (Gift) because the inspiration behind this theme of work is just that, a gift off someone very close.  It cost no money but has been the best gift I've ever had (better than winning all lotteries combined forever).  I think about gifts as well because of the time of year.  My husband came home from the shops a few days ago and told me how people were fighting (elbowing each other and getting irate) over a pile of half price Christmas crackers at Waitrose supermarket.  I thought about it and could see them in my mind getting upset and arguing with strangers over a pack of half price Christmas crackers.  I think that a huge proportion of the populace has lost its mind in general anyway, but fighting over half price crackers is basically crackers!  Maybe if people took a step back and looked at the world around them properly they might get over themselves for a minute.  I can only hope during this season of 'Peace and goodwill'.

Movement Downwards (Gift), oil on canvas 91x61cm.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Movement Downwards Painting

I've finally finished my assessment work for the time being and have some time to put some paintings together based on my latest project 'Movement Downwards'.  I have about 20 A4 mainly pen drawings based upon this theme.  I have so many ideas to explore within this project before I develop it further into a sub project which will be based on 'Absence Of Suffering'.  I'm not completely sure how I will approach the sub project but hopefully my work on Movement Downwards will help towards the next project. 

This painting is the first of quite a few that will be produced over the next few months.  I have glued tiny diamante gems onto parts of the painting however in order to see them properly you would have to view the painting in real life.  I put them on the painting to help with the sense of movement downwards that is in the painting.

Movement Downwards, painting 1, A2 oil on canvas (2017)