Here is the second painting based on the theme of movement downwards. I've used about 200 diamante rhinestones however I would have to use a different camera/light to get them to show up in the pictures that are taken of these paintings. I think I've captured the movement downwards in the way that I was wanting which is a surprise because I didn't think it was possible to capture the style of movement that I have being trying to portray. I've decided that this painting should be called Movement Downwards (Gift) because the inspiration behind this theme of work is just that, a gift off someone very close. It cost no money but has been the best gift I've ever had (better than winning all lotteries combined forever). I think about gifts as well because of the time of year. My husband came home from the shops a few days ago and told me how people were fighting (elbowing each other and getting irate) over a pile of half price Christmas crackers at Waitrose supermarket. I thought about it and could see them in my mind getting upset and arguing with strangers over a pack of half price Christmas crackers. I think that a huge proportion of the populace has lost its mind in general anyway, but fighting over half price crackers is basically crackers! Maybe if people took a step back and looked at the world around them properly they might get over themselves for a minute. I can only hope during this season of 'Peace and goodwill'.
Movement Downwards (Gift), oil on canvas 91x61cm.
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