Friday, 14 March 2014

Art Work 2013

During September 2013 I took a short break from my various projects to do some 'easier on the mind' art work.  Sometimes it's good to take a break from the mentally demanding work and just draw objects for their own sake.  This time was spent thinking and planning for the 'Girl' project that I am currently working on. 

Flowers, A4 charcoal drawing

Not something I normally do but then I don't believe in hard and fast rules when it comes to subject matter and art.  There's no specific meaning in this drawing other than mental time out and thinking time.  

Broken glass, A3 charcoal drawing

This was the second of my 'time out' pieces.  I've always liked the texture/patterns that glass produces especially when it is observed closely. 

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Art Work 1993/2012

During 2012 my work continued from the earlier theme of neglected places.  I spent quite a lot of time not just at the old railway in West Didisbury but also looking at the many abandoned and derelict houses in the area.  The area has changed a lot since 1993 when I was visiting the ruins of the area.  I didn't just photo the houses, in one in particular we spent many nights in during the course of 1993/4.  150 Palatine Road has lots of memories for me, I liked the risk we were taking being there (it was trespassing I suppose), it was falling down and yet we spent nights in it!  It was spooky, but that just added to its interest. 

150 Palatine Road, black and white photo
The house was pulled down in the summer of 1994.  Quite a few of us had been visiting this place for well over a year before it met its demise.  To me it was an escape from difficult times, pressure, personal issues.  Here, was a place that had once been so grand and now so dilapidated.  The first time we went at the beginning of 1993, we were shouted at by a tramp who had been living there on the top floor.  He soon left when we started to visit more often.  We must have disturbed his peace!
Dining room window, November 1993

Dining room window, summer 1993
Living room, summer 1993
One night spent here was so cold we thought (foolishly) that we could still light a fire in the remains of the fireplace.  Mistake.  The smoke filled the room and we had to abandon the place that night.  
Top floor (2nd floor), autumn 1993
We actually walked around this floor even with the rain falling on our heads due to the lack of a roof.  I think the danger element may have been an added attraction to us at the time.

The stables, autumn 1993
Another point of interest was how much there was of this building.  It seemed to go on and on.  

150 Palatine Road, A1 charcoal drawing, 2012
This is my work based on the experiences that we had at 150 Palatine Road.  I hope to return to this theme in later works.  



Sunday, 9 March 2014

Art Work 2014

My most recent art work which I completed at the beginning of March. 

Girl 3, A2 Charcoal drawing

This the latest in an ongoing project that I have been concentrating on since November 2013.  It is a personal comment about being an onlooker at various aspects in my life as well as in other lives.  There are lots of aspects that I'm trying to bring out in these pieces, which I will try to explain in later posts.  

Girl, A1 Charcoal drawing

The inspiration for this work is the past, growing up and watching the people around me.

Bystander 1, A3 Charcoal drawing

As the title suggests, this picture is focusing on the position that I have found myself in many aspects of life.  I suppose that this is a position that many people find themselves in for better or worse.  Sometimes being the bystander is the best place to be, sometimes it makes a person over looked or insignificant, it all depends on the circumstances. 

Friday, 7 March 2014

A level Art Work

A very small sample of my work as it was nearly 20 years ago at my A level exhibition.  I will update tomorrow with my latest piece.


Monday, 3 March 2014

Artwork 2011
The theme of the old railway continues with these A1 size charcoal drawings.

Old railway 2, February 2011

This drawing tries to bring out the contrast in light/dark.  Compared with Old railway 1, I was beginning to see much more detail and present this in my work.  

Old railway 3, March 2011

Shapes, contrast of light/dark were used here.  I often find that if an object is looked at closely enough and studied properly, it is made up of lots of shapes.  

Old railway 4, April 2011

I felt at the time that my drawing technique was starting to develop towards the style that I now have in my work.  I rarely know how a piece of work will turn out, which is the 'fun' part of the process.  If a work was planned too much it would lose much of its freedom and spontaneity.

 Old railway 4 at the Sale Waterside Open Exhibition 2014